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Hatebel (tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd.
{0} years
Tianjin, China
Main categories: Denture injection machine,polisher,Processing consumables,Denture material,Porcelain casting furnace

TrustPass profile

On-site check

The supplier's company premises have been checked by staff to verify on-site operations exist. A third-party verification company has confirmed the legal existence of the supplier.Learn more about the third-party verification agencyChinadaas.Onsite Checked Liability Disclaimer.About Verification Services

Verified information checked on-site

Verification type:
Third-party verification service provider
Business license:
  • Registration No. : 91120116MACBWMAB72
  • Company Name : Hatebel (tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Date of Issue : 2023-03-21
  • Date of Expiry : 长期
  • Registered Capital : RMB 1,000,000
  • Country/Territory : China
  • Registered address : Room 208, 2nd Floor, Enterprise Service Center, No.1 Second Street, Airport International Logistics Zone, Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone (airport Economic Zone) (managed By Xinghe (tianjin) Business Secretary Co., Ltd., No. Xh20220064), Tinajin, Tianjin, China
  • Year Established : 2023
  • Legal Representative : Limited Liability Company (Wholly Owned by Natural Person)
  • Legal Form : Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone
Business type:
Trading Company
License pictures: